Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Avid Listener --- Stereo Hi-Fi Directory
Post Subject: You might play with the idea if you wish…Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/29/2007
Ron, if I may, then as a software engineer, I would pass some criticisms regarding to what you do. It is fine that you are soliciting sponsors but I do not think that sponsors get anything for their sponsoring. The taglines that sponsors allow to create are not really useful as if you see at the existing taglines of the Sponsored Link then they do not really extend information about the link. I think you need to provide more functionality for the sponsors (perhaps to let them to have own little one-page portal on your network). Also, if you are in “that sort of things” than you might consider to explore my old idea of “The Open Door Audio”. The sponsored “Open Door” is a concept where a person has an opportunity to find within a selected region a private listening room with an owner of the system agreed to demonstrate to a visitor a performance of a sponsored component. A sponsor would pay to you an annual subscription and would pay, I would say, a $100 to the owner of the listening room per session (depends of the cost of the product and the result of the buys actions). This way the sponsors will be motivated to maintain your database (via the same portal) of his Open Door participants. Anyhow, you might play with the idea if you wish.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site