Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
Post Subject: Tube rushPosted by Paul S on: 3/24/2007
My first guess would be that the hiss you are getting is "tube rush" form upstream rather than an artifact of any resistor/voltage divider. This may mean you still have too much system gain. Again, properly tubed ML2s make NO sound whatsoever, so keep looking upstream or to connections, per se. In a hi-gain all-tubed system it's usually some hum or some hiss, pick your poison. Romy's suggestion that a "clip" may be the culprit reminds me that any less-than-perfect connections can contribute noise, if only because overall HE system gain (obviously) amplifies even tiny/self noises right along with the signal.
I once traced system noise to tube pin/socket connections that I had carefully cleaned and "treated" with Caig Pro Gold. This worked great for a little while, but the sound got way worse pretty quickly. Carefull re-cleaning with isopropyl alcohol cleared it up. Nothing but nothing on my tube pins/sockets now.
Best regards,
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site