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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Time Alignment : Live Performances vs Audio
Post Subject: The time aligned orchestra.Posted by be on: 3/8/2007
The paradox of the orchestra sound would be resolved if we asume that the audience (in the good seats) mostly hear the reflected sound, primarily from the wall behind the stage and that the players at the front follow the visual lead of the conductor and the players behind, play accordingly to the audible lead of the front players, the sound would then be time aligned, when reflected from the back.
This would obviously only function if the orchesetra is not to widely spaced and the the listener is not to much to the side.
That it is indeed the reflected sound and the reveberation that is dominating seems to be correct since it is imposible to pinpoint the instruments at least from a seat that is not to close to the stage.
Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site