Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo Frame modification.
Post Subject: Macondo Frame, Version 4.0Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/25/2006
Well, this for the tip of multi-layering the vertical panel. I like it a lot. I will allow keeping the mild panel thinner and more “airy” visually. The total high of the thing will be not 8’ for rather somewhere slightly above 6’. Also, I review the way in which the tweeter might be mounted. Since it is HF transducer and since it will be made in the shape “drop of water” (to minimize the off baffle reflections) I think the pedestal via which I was thinning to couple the tweeter o MF horn (pictures above) will not be an optimum solution. I less care about the reflection as the tweeter is line array and will have quite narrow verticals radiation but still, I do not like any baffle-like impediments near tweeters.

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