Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Tweeter for Vitavox S2. High-sensitively ribbons?
Post Subject: The SA8535: final conclusion.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 11/13/2006
OK, now the SA8535 driver is fully broken-in and well-habituated. I have no idea how the “Stage Accompany” suggests using this driver from 1000Hz! From what I observe, at MF this driver sounds very “flat” and very none-impressive. I have suspicion that any driver of this topology, would it be a ribbon or isodynamic, do not do well at MF. I presume that this is why I so hate ribbons – because all ribbons in all speakers that I heard were crossed too unforgivably low. Even at 12KHz and first order, when the driver has long tail into MF the MF “flatness” very severally deprecates the sound of SA8535 driver. The higher I went and the shaper it was the better driver performed. At 12KHz-14KHz with second-third order the SA8535 does very well and I like it a lot. Would I consider it as a perfect tweeter? Nope, I can’t, as there is one very specific area where I very much do not like what the SA8535 does.
Subjectively, although the HF of the SA8535 extremity clean but they are “too unhurried”. They became wonderfully mellow and forgivingly placid but they are disabled to play aggressive, crisp or destructively hostile if the musical calls upon it. The driver does have a high sensitivity and presumably extended dynamic capacity… but it hardly auditable as the harder driver plays the less transient it sounds. I do not know what it is: some kind of compression or a restrictive contribution of the plastic in witch the ribbons imbedded but it auditable and it is hold the SA8535 back from being a perfect tweeter.
Romy the caTRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site