Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio News
In the Thread: Michael Fremer Continuums…
Post Subject: Cost-conditioned acceptancePosted by Paul S on: 11/9/2006
(Many) years ago (in a psychology class) I studied how baby ducklings were forced to follow a surrogate "mother" around a turntable, and an obstacle was placed in the duckling's path, so it had to jump over the obstacle to keep up with its "mother". As sad as this scenario is unto itself, it is perhaps even sadder that the "researchers" found that the harder they made a duckling work to keep up, the stronger the bond the duckling formed for its phony "mother".
I must say the Continuum bears all the signs of a product so hard-won that anyone paying the price for it is almost certain to embrace it, for a variety of pre-cognative reasons, and I would include in the list of this TT's paramours its severally-distinguished designers. I mean, how is a group like this to fail, and how can a product so gargantuan and profoundly out-of-reach not beckon to our innermost duckling?
I remember hearing the "best" vinyl playback I ever heard in my life... for the 5 minutes a Versa Dynamics TT worked before it went on a tangent (pun intended). Or maybe I was responding to the distant thrum of the Celestial turntable, hearing it just briefly before running headlong into the obstacle I might just barely have cleared in order to forge a bond with that Versa...
Sad to say, for all the hype, and for all the expense of all the ideas forged and brought to market, the worth of something in hi-fi is what comes out of it, not what went into it.
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site