Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio News
In the Thread: Michael Fremer Continuums…
Post Subject: People, I warn you: grow up!Posted by Romy the Cat on: 11/9/2006
angeloitacare wrote: |
hi mike
congratulations for your site, it is very nice, specially the showreports, the pics are great. i heard in july a avalon speaker in italy, with these ceramic drivers, they sound horrible. no dept and image at all. so i really dont understant how these ultra expensive marten design speakers could sound good. and their price is just ridiculous. by reviewing such speakers, may more obectivity would not be bad.
angelo |
OK, angeloitacare.
If you are overlay emotional when you see a peace of audio and count not hold your excitement so much that you need to go online and express yourself then let it be. However, I would insist that if you wiling to express your emotions on my site then keep your single “immediate sentiments” connected to the subjects of the threads, at least partially. The subject of the given thread is Michael Fremer or Continuums turntable. What the hell your admiration over Marten Design or whatever else you expressed in your post has to do with Continuums turntable? I’m not wiling to moderate this forum or make any measures to enforce posting discipline. There are very few very simple rules on this site and they are outlined at the registration screen:
There are pretty much there are no rules at all beside the DEMANDS OF FOLLOWING THE SUBJECTS OF THE THREAD. It’s it and it is not negotiatable.
Now. I do not want to see in this thread ANYTHG from you, angeloitacare, or anyone else that would NOT related to the subject of the thread . Do not even replay with your agreement or disagreement! Just stop to post if it is not related to matter of the thread’s topic.
Romy the CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site