Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Tweeter for Vitavox S2. High-sensitively ribbons?
Post Subject: Re: It might be an interesting project….Posted by cv on: 10/23/2006
 Romy the Cat wrote:

I can’t see the pictures. What I was thinking to connect the ribbon’s array in series and drive them with one custom better Bad’s transformer. Or perhaps if it were I would say .3R ribbons then 5-6 drivers would make a couple Ohms and this impedance would be possible to drive by a dedicated HF channel with a special OPT, eliminating that, perhaps compromised, China-made transformer in the each tweeter… What do you think?  It might be an interesting project….

Yes, afraid the pics are gone.
With respect to the second idea - already there. Have the aircore OPTs ready wound to do a 3500:0.5 stepdown...

The only issue I can think of is to ensure one has an extremely good, very low ohmic series connection between the ribbons. Otherwise I think it's the way to go...

If I can find my crummy digital camera I will take some pics.


Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site