Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Remedies the Beauty
Post Subject: Yep, it is unexpectedly and ridiculously good, have no idea right.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/24/2025
Edgar, I know exactly how you feel. I had once a 15-in driver but I had no use from it. Heard in the multiple installations 15 red, included autograph, but always was destructed bite overly romantic and syrupy presentation. This is why I choose 10 red, because I use it for many years injecting very deliberate amount of syrupiness into Macondo. I actually do not have memory why I suddenly decided towards 10 inch red to the sunspeak. But I very clearly remember exactly how you described that it for whatever reason took a lot of bed euphoric red driver sound away, and kept only vote in my view should be staying there. As I discovered it it was laughable and shocking and it really turned my head off. I hand my entire systems hitting in the room and I have two dirty and shity boxes with two 10-in holes, driven from B2 and connected with zip wires, and they sounded amazing. I still remember the recordings I played and I exactly remember how they sound. I need to admit the guild. Before I released all of this public I called to a friend of mine who manufactures speakers and I told him about discovery. He did not believe me that it might be good. So, I said fuck you then and printed it publicly. I do not know if your explanation why they sound good is correct. However I feel that the people who manufacture right now speakers using vintage Tannoy drivers should certainly make this experiment and then express their "alid" opinions. I need to admit that if somebody suggests to do it for me I would probably discard the suggest as well but it is what it is.
Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site