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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Remedies the Beauty
Post Subject: Yes, that exact enclosure.Posted by Edgar= on: 3/24/2025
I bought those enclosures from a local old timer who had made them with alot of care. they are heavy! They had a single goodmans driver where you see the Scanspeak now. I swaped it out and installed the Scanspeak and tried different drivers on top. This was before Dannoy and my introduction to THE Scanspeak.
When your Dannoy discovery hit I cut a hole right in the front of the enclosure and bolted the 10" Tannoy in and listened to a LOT of music for days after that. With RI, it was mind blowing. Something very different.
I then pulled the 10s out and glued in 15s.
The 15 can handle a LOT of amplifier power so that helps in overcoming the limitations of the 10 but it does not sound as good as the 10 in the mid range. Its just not as fast, not as refined and nuanced but still excellent, don't get me wrong.
It's not so much there is any problem, or there is something I don't like, I like it a lot! it's more its a 2 channel system so its never going to be big enough for a main system. Dannoy does have that romantic sound to it but less than a straight up Tannoy. If I were to tire of anything, it would be that but as i'm not relying on this being a primary system, i dont find it a problem.
I am highly satisfied with Dannoy and the lineriazation effect I hear with that configuration. I dont desire more from Dannoy as I'll use it for accoustical spaces that are small and it's a good match for. If i need more than that, well, back to sealed enclosures.
Now, in saying all that, from what I picked apart this week re Dannoy i do feel that we might be able to decouple the linearization effect from Dannoy, for use in other systems. particularly with higher efficiency drivers that tend to have more cone resonances, It could be very beneficial.
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