Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Remedies the Beauty
Post Subject: RightPosted by N-set on: 3/23/2025
I've been thinking how to counter your argument but looks like I cannot apart from a "majority vote" argument: Using sealed subs and pahse aligning them to Tannoy, below f3 there will be 3 membarnes in phase (Yannoy + 2x active SS) and one out of phase (Fannoy SS PR).  But you are right, sth will always be out of phase below f3 (which seems to be 43Hz in my case) and actually a passive radiator sub looks like a *worse* idea than a sealed one. Sealed one has a smooth phase behavior while a PR sub will add it's phase flip to the Dannoy one. As Paul mentioned things are never ideal so there will be potentially a mess with 2 phase flips close to each other. 
Well, seems that RI is the way to go then. I can add some bass-capable speakers actually using the 8565. Just for completeness, close field response of my Dannoy (about 5cm from the speaker, mid point between the Tannoy and the PR).
Mean field R middle.jpg

Nice Dannoy variation thanks. But isn't one 10" PR too little? I think the rule was at least the cone area of the active driver to limit the excursion. Have you thought of adding 2 scanspeaks?

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site