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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Remedies the Beauty
Post Subject: Intuition and happy accidentPosted by Edgar= on: 3/20/2025
and the discernment to hear the result.

Thinking about it more, there are 5 coupled dampening mechanisms in effect, 6 if you add the variable resistor.
1. mechanical - the surround and spider create a mechanical spring
2. acoustical - the air in the box creates dampening through compression and rectification and viscosity effects
3. copper shorting rings as discussed
4. mutual acoustic coupling - the resonant couplings between the SS and Tannoy
5. radiation dampening - energy lost from the system to sound
And voice coil electromagnetic dampening if one were to add a variable resistor across the terminals of the SS

Dont buy a lotto ticket because your luck ended the day after THAT night by the sounds of it. no wonder why when one considers the above.

The good news is this is clarifying and i might just have an idea worth exploring.
If it is true that Dannoy special sauce may be coming from Farradays rings then how do we leave that be and counter the phase flip?
My proposal is to use another amplifier with either a 6db or 12db passive low pass filter somwhere around F3 and drive the scan speak with it.

Above xover freq the amplifiers output Independence will be high and leave the voice coil effectively open, so to speak, leaving the dampening to be how we know it, but below xover frequency the impedance is low so the voice-coil starts to conduct and electromechanical dampening enters the picture. This may or may not be beneficial, will have to discover that but the significant thing is we can now force the passive, now passive/active radiator back into phase below F3. 

The level of compensation is adjustable through amplifier gain. The xover point is adjustable through traditional means.
I am seeing in my head this might make the Scanspeak immune to resonate coupling below x-over frequency, leave it to do its own thing above, flattening out the phase curve and allow integration with another channel.
Are seeing the same thing I am here?

If and its a big if, this worked to straighten Dannoys tail out and one could properly integrate other channels, that would be a game changer. That would open up the potential for something like a 10"Dannoy complimented by a 15" Dannoy with 2 x Scanspeak drivers for the 15 dropping that  F3 down even further. That sounds tasty....

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