Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Remedies the Beauty
Post Subject: Different qualities and different shortcomings...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/19/2025
You used the 15” red with my 10” driver, right? It would be interesting to try then to find a 15” driver similar to 10" canSpeak, I wonder if they do something in 15”, they do have the same in 8” and have those divers. I am not familiar with passive radiators and I presume they are all crap, That 10” ScanSpeak is a unicorn, in my view. Since it is a full driver, there is another tool for tuning it. Load the VC of that ScanSpeak passive radiator to a variable resistor and try to impact its resonance. I do not think that it is needed but would do a good toy. If I stay with Dannoy configuration I would probably try to have a passive radiator with true leather suspension. This is a dangerous territory as only God knows how it will impact the overall result. The magic on Dannoy was that this combination of THAT ScanSpeak driver and Reds clicked very nicely, and pulled out of the Reds many problems they had. I still do not know why the ScanSpeak damping of LF cone smooths out the Red's ugly HF syrupy quality...

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site