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In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: ... and some Bruckner buzz
Post Subject: Slower is better, even my wife agree with this...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/12/2025
Honestly, I do not think that Ci had any privilege recordings techniques. I reportedly he hate all of these things and some of his recordings always was recorded as bootlegs. I don't know if it is true but it is what people say. Regarding the pich. Yes you can use some DJ equipment but you will be able to get proper sound only after analog will be output. I experimented with this and my 16-bit d/a converter doesn't lock to get digital stream out. It locks but it does not work stable. So, in My views advantage to lower the pitch get greatly overridden by very bad da converters the consumer DJs machines have inside.
All this obsession with pich I developed somewhere in 2005-2006. I heard of recording of small German orchestra which was tuned significantly lower than typical A440. I did not know about it is but for whatever reason that recording give me some kind of strange pleasure. And it was not darkness but some kind of very strange scenarities which give me pleasure. I was playing with different peach of orchestra recorded at 440 and I discovered that the most pleasure I am getting when I am somewhere in the middle of A330s. The sound become more philosophical, it's hard to explain in words what it is
I do not think today orchestra's can tuned to mid 330s. I think bras and woodwings need to be redesigned. But it is not area where I am expert. I know that baroque orchestras are playing at 415, but I do not have the same sense of peacefulness as I have at mid 330s. I do not play any music now with slower peach. However, the ability of the whole playback to react to change of the pitch is very important characteristic. You can have one playback and you slightly change the speed of the records from 33.3 and you will not detect any difference. Another playback will highlight this change very aggressively. Now, try to figure out what does it mean....
In terms of the slowness, there are very few conductors and very few orchestras who can handle it. It's required such remarkable taste and discipline for musicians and such a amazing talent for a conductor to be able to put it all together, that only few of them succeed. One way or other I would like everything played as slow as possible. If it is good music and a good performance then I wish it just would never stop and as long as it takes the better to me. Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site