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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: My feelings about new exciting audio products
Post Subject: MunichPosted by Amir on: 3/9/2025
 Paul S wrote:
I hope no one is buying expensive hi-fi components based on YouTube presentations, but one might take steps to listen in person if "the YouTube presentation is interesting". Got to say, available YouTube presentations on this speaker are not at all interesting to me, and sound is turgid in a way that usually means it it turgid in person. Of course, different set up, including amps, sources, etc.  might make significant improvements, not to mention live vs. cell phone relay to YouTube. Amir, what did you hear that moved you to post this?

Best regards,
Paul S

Dear Paul,
I have listened to Gobel in Gobel factory showroom 72km far away from munich .
Two setup was there, one CH Precision Class AB amplification second was Class A Riviera amplification .
Gobel is very different to other modern dd speaker systems. 

What I think is two designers are different in comparison by most modern system designers, Oliver Gobel (Gobel Speaker Designer) and also Wadax digital designer.

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