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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: An amplifier for Tweeters
Post Subject: An amplifier for Tweeters: first ideas...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 9/4/2006
Thanks, Chris.
Dima I discussed today many imaginable scenarios. Initially we thought drive a single 6C19P from MF channel of super Milq. But it has some negative consequences… Eventually we decided (it is not final decision but the final with 90% certainly) the in order do not compromise anything to do for another full blown channel of Super Milq only using 6C19P as output. So, most likely it will be 6E5P to 6C19P and then will be sitting in own sub-chassis above the Milq chassis (in the empty spot between the large caps and tubes). I have all voltage and perfect PS right inside the Super Milq chassis and the capacity of those PS is good enough to drive another 4434 channels. So, it would be a little work to put it all together. The 6C19P is a miniature version of 6C33C and they are basically the tubes of the same family, so it might be good.
In addition I might filter LF out by coupling cap making the transformer job easer. I hope that in case of a driver operating above 12Kz (I will be back to the first order on my tweeters) the sonic problems that I had with Super Milq MF (when I went line level filer) might not manifest themselves…
For Tweeter I decided to loose a little gain but drop the harmonics, loading the tube more idle (1:15). So, not the only problem is to fine an interesting transformer. It would be an air-core of some fast metal core of 0.1H and gaped for 200mA. It looks like I will be able to get around 4W in this setting that it much more then I need. If you know sores for such a little Trans then let me know. If I have the transformers and it will be really a half day project.
Romy the Cat
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