Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: If I start High-End Audio from scratch...
Post Subject: Some examplesPosted by Amir on: 1/23/2025
When you change your playback and get better sound it is like buying a better car. You feel better inside new car and also you feel better when you push the pedal or turn faster in corners. All things are better in new car but I think the depth of our positive feeling is limited and after awhile the new car is not very exciting like first days. If we need deeper enjoyment then we can not find it in buying better car, we need to find another way. I think dpols and perfect ac power quality is not like buying better car, it is like using Cocaine or any other drugs.
some audiophiles try to have absolute sound, Peter likes Natural Sound, Romy likes the sound with higher level of musical expressiveness , What I think is the most important thing is not better sound , it is about better (drug like effect on brain) reaction to music.Dpols and perfect ac quality hugely affect on our reaction to music.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site