Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: If I were a High-End Audio Tsar...
Post Subject: The words from Real World AudioPosted by Romy the Cat on: 1/21/2025
 Real World Audio wrote:

Actually, as the human ear is non-linear, then linearity matching for either amp or speaker is irrelevant to how the brain interprets it. Clearly, we need a different approach to understanding information-storage and transmission that has high relevance to the human hearing and human brain processed, and less fixed onto computational paradigms that have relevance to little more than ensuring manufacturing tolerances. As we are barely understanding the basis on how human brain processes sound, the "right" way to record and play back music for human consumption is still in its infancy. In my experience, overly sticking to lowest analyzed distortion figures results in a representation that focuses our attention more on the defects produced in the recording and playback process, and does not let our imagination run wild with the music. Natural music ignites creativity. What I consider good playback does the same. Bad live events suppress creativity (even when they sound "perfect"), and absolute sound playbacks also act as creativity suppression mechanisms. Even for material that was recorded in a way that would normally allow vivid spurts of creativity, become hallow and brittle - with more details for sure, like 1 to10 upscaled size plastic food. Looks huge and super-detailed, even the half-blind can see it clearly - but you can't eat it. I think Romy does not have an issue with the detail level, he has issue with whether the reproduction is edible or inert. I agree with Romy, absolute sound tends to equal lack of music. It is the celebration of technology, not the celebration of life and art.

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