Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: We who are about to die... (a cable thread)
Post Subject: It is exactly what I am talking about.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 1/1/2025
"I used the famous Belden Synapse S/PDIF for years. It is a very intelligent HF filter that is no-doubt a Godsend for many CD listeners"
Yes that is the beast I was referring to. But here's what my "socialist" thinking kicks in. When they made this cable they had absolutely no idea what they did as is most of their consecutive digital cables were garbage. Your description said it acts as a very intelligent HF filter, in my view, absolutely accurate. It filters forever should not be there and let whatever need to be there to pass. Whatever was done there in terms of filtration literally cause no money. So, why somebody do not do research figure out how that Belkin cable does it and make all other digital cables to implement this functionality. Not to build super expensive zillion dollars cost visually looking like Gucci bag, cables which have absolutely no beneficial impact to listener, but they actually cable which work. It is so good that it should not be proprietary owned by Belkin because Belgium objectively does not use it anymore. Just find the reason why it works the way how it works and elevate general standards of digital cable quality to this level. That is how my mind is working and I have no idea why the industry doesn't do it.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site