Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: How High-End Audio can break a leash (end 2024)
Post Subject: I feel it will be coming...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/31/2024
This is actually is very interesting subject. I am not insisting that what I have discovered has any commercial potentials or any practical potential for a majority of public however, if it does I'm very clearly can see that what I have expressed above will undoubtedly exploited by the industry pimps. Even this little approach that I mentioned most likely will be used up for the most "advanced" reviewers who clearly feel that more or less sensible audio practitioners recognize i that the industry marketing efforts are revolting garbage. Is that industry moved very far away from beginning of the seventies when all those folks like Parson and the rest people from that time had some beliefs, integrity and sincerely would like to contribute their efforts into customer advocacy and to push the envelope of availabilities a little further. I wasn't around that time but I heard the stories. Since then industry got converted into extremely pathetic crowd pleasing exploring lower common denominator of audio intellectualism. The very same people who act today like peacocks with the flower tails might very well recognized my concept of X amplification and moderation of underwear transparency as a new way to sell garbage to gullible fools who are in desperate needs to be fooled

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site