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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: High-end audio: Absolute Sound vs Naturality vs Expressivity
Post Subject: Not just sitting and watchingPosted by PeterA on: 12/29/2024
in my system thread about my old system, sublime sound, I describe doing just that. I completely changed the acoustics and speaker positioning, and set up to create nationality in my system.   I did the same thing in my new system long before David visited.   I applied lessons. I learned from the previous set up, but this time with corner horns and different equipment.  I designed my rack and support system, very actively assembling parts and listening.   You are the one that describes the second way, natural sound, as an observation.   That is not me.   Everyone I know who has the same target, chooses the gear And then it’s very active about getting the sound they want for their room.   It is not someone coming to set things up for them.   I’m about to start on a project reconstructing one of the corners of my room to better suit the needs of the corner horns.   

He approach is very personal and individual.  What I have in common with a handful of people is a similar target.   How we get there is up to us individually.  Everything is about learning and better understanding to move ahead.  I understand that I only have two drivers and one amplifier so that I do not have the flexibility of a six way horn tower with base modules for shaping.   The lack of maximum flexibility is a limitation, but that is fine with me for right now. 

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