Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: A longer turntable belt.
Post Subject: You could cut the rubber belt from the inner tube of a tyrePosted by Antonio J. on: 8/26/2006
All you need is knowing the exact length required to ask for the matching diameter. Probably a bike tube will do. You can cut it as a ribbon or in a string shape. This way you'd avoid any discontinuity for glueing several pieces. From one tube you could cut many spare belts.
Another handy solution that comes to mind, is buying the kind of rubber tube which is used for aspiration (vacuum) at hospitals and labs. It's sold by length. You can cleanly match the extremes with rubber glue or even using a pair of staples. There are many diameters available depending on the application.
rgrds, ARerurn to Romy the Cat's Site