Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Why I do not like the "high-end" audio-reviewers.
Post Subject: Try to look into this outside of ML2 shoebox.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/28/2024
Well, let me give you perspective and you understand where I'm coming from. Two pairs of ML2s this is what I had back in 2002. Then I discovered some restrictions of ML2. Elso, I developed interest in dedicated amplification and ML2 was not the subject of those experiments. Trust me, it is very safe to sit under umbrella of ML2 and pontificate about naturality and anything in those lines, because ML2 is them safe umbrella. However, when you step out of safety of ML2 protection then each character of sound, dynamic behavior, articulation, ratio between harmonic situation volume and specific octave become the consequences of your actions. In your case, you have a safe acoustic system and safe amplification that was given to you by virtue of you getting two very successful brand and models. Now pretend is that you have objective to beat It. Not to beat it in absolute term but bypass certain limitation that you feel you would like to bypass. You cannot sensibly talk about producing natural sound without being the person who will make the actions to actually produce it. This is why I feel that naturality is valid quality for an observer. If Lamm was alive he would tell you most likely that you're the duality is his actions. And he is very deliberately implement specific decision in his design in order you to observe naturality. Two of the best models he ever build preamp L1 and first production of ML2 has a lot in them that was very intentionally made that in your estimation would produce what you call natural sound. Ask David, when he was making his turn table if he was concerned about naturality of sound or more about precision of polishing some kind of specific details in his turntable.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site