Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Why I do not like the "high-end" audio-reviewers.
Post Subject: It is nothing new here.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/28/2024
I think you do not get subtle implications. Look, I have mentioned before that a proper topological decision for playback does not just "improve" perception of Bruckner but also improve perception of Bach's cello suite. You remember a conversation that we all subordinated with common laws of psych acoustic and we all ended up is the same things in the end. Put two of those things together. You might discover a different perspective. Honestly I'm absolutely do not see any conflict between “this sounds like music” and “this is what the music wants to be". It feels like conflict if you observe result from purely out your perspective. But if You observe results from musical perspective then there is no conflict of any kind. Here's a question for you, not that I need an answer but answer to yourself. If you hear a new musical piece for the first time, do you need additional "help" to understand if it is good or bad performance of the given piece. If you answer to yourself this question then you we will see where I am coming from. Audio, is that we are consumers in our listening rooms it is just proxy transitional, and in a way irrelevant interface. People like me or others enjoy to play with this interface, is it relevant? Well, as anything else which entertain us until a cancer of testicles sends us to cemetery....
By the way there is nothing new here it is well developed content. You apparently just recently begin to pay attention because you got "fucked" by the original ML2, most likely recently. That beast will do it...Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site