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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Future of high-end audio
Post Subject: What is the goal of high-end Audio?Posted by PeterA on: 12/28/2024
 Romy the Cat wrote:
A few days ago, enjoy the music side published an article about future of audio, run the author was trying to predict what will be this guy and other in future. I read just two paragraphs at do not read anymore as I am not interested in the perspective that the author was trying to advance. I really do not care about brand of cable elevators going to be in rotation in 5 years. However, the general objective tried to predict where high and audio will be let say in if you hundred years I think an interesting intellectual exercise. I leave mike open and will post my version soon.

To begin to discuss this interesting topic, I think we must first discuss what the goal of high-end Audio is.  We might not agree on that and then we might not agree what the goal will be in 100 years.  Without understanding the purpose today, how can we know where audio will be in the future?

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