Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Why I do not like the "high-end" audio-reviewers.
Post Subject: I don't think you got what I meant.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/28/2024
Peter, I think you slightly over emphasized, or perhaps I did, the concept of creation. If you feel that my objective by virtue of cable elevators or VTA adjustment to create some kind of different sonic expressions that it is not what I am interested. I admit that sometimes I do those experiments but purely for sake of learning how the language. It is very much not my interest to write my own music.  My interest is co-align that expressivity of given interpretation with expressivity of playback. Expensivity of playback it's not audio expressive statements. Expressivity of playback it is something which mitigate involvement and acknowledgment, listening attention, listening fatigue, holding psychological pressure and releasing where it's necessary. It is many other factors which absolutely nothing to do this out there and the sound. It is a certain psycho-acoustic, sometime conscious sometimes subconscious, witch in my view moderatable by efforts of playback. When you have your listening experience well oiled up and keep yourself open for old possible musical sentiments then different type of playback systems or different object apology can be more engaging, welcoming, embracing, hypnotizing, mesmerizing, revealing, humane... natural for any given interpretation and some of them not. Think about regular system resolution, but not Sonic resolution but musical resolution. 

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