Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Why I do not like the "high-end" audio-reviewers.
Post Subject: Getting to BachPosted by PeterA on: 12/28/2024
The creator is the composer.  That is then interpreted and represented by the musicians, and it is recorded.  We then have that recording and must now decide what to do with it.  How do we want to experience that creation that someone else made for us?   We can corrupt it by choosing gear that takes us away from the music and gives us sounds, enhanced by our choices.  We can try to enjoy it by choosing gear and setting it up to give us some experience with a target as guide to help us make decisions.  If that target is the live music listening experience, that is the natural sound approach.  Another way is as active creator taking the recording and shaping it to his ends using the audio gear as the tool.   We all create to some extent by the choices we make.  I agree with you that the reproduced is not the real.   The real is not in our listening rooms, but what we experience from our systems is the new reality, and that is different for each one of us, regardless of our approach as it is described by others.  
Do we all come back to Bach? That is a very interesting question.  Perhaps in some way it is about patterns and variations for all of us.   I have a friend who used to listen to a Bach cello suite each morning during breakfast.  Vladimir told you his ML2 helps the music lover go to where he wants.  Perhaps some of what we do is universal.  In relative terms, those of us in this hobby are different from those who consume music through earpods on the move.  Those with systems are all creating to some extent when we select, then set up, and then change stuff.  The differences are in the targets.  You just want to have more input in creating the sound that gets you to the emotion more than do some others.

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