Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: ... and some Bruckner buzz
Post Subject: Not an inexorable continuation.Posted by dady on: 12/28/2024
Hi, I never said inexorable, obviously he learned and said it, he has written it in different places, Mahler, when I speak I do not speak of what others say or think, it is only the passage of time in my cerebral cortex with listening to music. 
Before I didn't realize what it was, nor did I realize what Wagner was like, but since my auditory praxis, so to speak, even after my accident, I didn't realize it. Now it has become a joy, something that Gustav inspired me to compose now produces an extreme and inexplicable joy in me. I can't establish with certainty that what can be considered elaborate from the harmonic point of view is pleasing to my capacity for impression. That's why I continue to be impressed by Bach, who in another era seemed primitive to me with all the baroque behind him, experiences are the most important thing, I don't know if you've ever heard Astor Piazzolla, it's possible that in musical analysis I'm rudimentary. However, it impacts me on the waterline.
Something I learned is, and for sure, that time spent listening educates the ear.
Music is the art capable of transmitting all emotions, from the most sublime to the most unpleasant.
I send you a cordial greeting and thank you for responding. Esteban

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