Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Why I do not like the "high-end" audio-reviewers.
Post Subject: Natural sound methodological compromisePosted by PeterA on: 12/27/2024
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I probably need to record a video about my disagreement with the concept of naturality. I absolutely do not undermine what Peter Express in his website but as I said, I feel it is methodological compromise. 

Romy, natural sound is only a methodological compromise if the goal is to be able to shape or manipulate the sound of a chosen system to suit ones preferences and moods, depending on recordings and music.   my target is to create through the selection of my specific equipment and setting it up in a way to give me a listening experience that reminds me of the listening experience I have when listening to live music.   Just as different instruments and musicians and concert halls and conductors sound different, a natural sounding system will sound different depending on the recording.  I can also affect this in an active expression by switching cartridges on different tone arms based on the  recording and my mood.   The sound changes, but it is all within a range of natural sound just as it is with real music.   I do not see the compromise that you identify.  The difference between this approach and your third way of personal expression is simply a matter of degree.   I do not see the inherent compromise.  An approach is only compromised when you give up certain things and acknowledge weaknesses in a method to achieve the goal.  
My approach is only a compromise when applied to your goals because you want something different and my approach won’t get you there because it is not as flexible.   I don’t need the range of flexibility that you want from a system to shape the sound to your ideals.  Yours is a more active approach, but only in degree.

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