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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: It's might be another project...
Post Subject: I do not know what nested Twitter isPosted by Romy the Cat on: 12/25/2024
I do not have any big prejudices and do not invest too much into specific type of horn. In my view at home form a very unique combination between compression driver and Horn, making compression driver to sound the best. I have two originalĀ  different Vitavox horns. I do not make claim that a larger multisell is better I just would like to drive that compression driver slightly lower in my configuration and I need just a larger horn. I do not like Altec 7 design. I think some of Altec 7 I had large 2" Altec driversĀ  and those drivers in my view are very usable. I heard a few months ago those large Altec drivers with custom strictly paper cones loaded into large horn similar to mine and they were sensationally good,

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