Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: It's might be another project...
Post Subject: Back to Sound Shaping?Posted by Paul S on: 11/3/2024
While I agree with the "Musical Instrument Theory", you have made clear your intentions to try to get a working understanding and control of those speakers, And that sounds like something "sound engineers" do all the time, getting the effects they want with DSP. For LF there are D amps that allow you to dial phase or delay to taste. If your horn goes down to 640 Hz, then the woofer probably goes up that high, right? Add a "board" and you can do the woofer top to bottom, in as narrow bands as the board allows, to hear the effects per octave, or whatever you choose. For "purists" there are still analog versions around, gathering dust.

Paul S 

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site