Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: It's might be another project...
Post Subject: My thinkingPosted by Romy the Cat on: 11/1/2024
Well, I would like to leave on conical subject aside of the scope of current thread and to stay here with my corner horn bass. When I talk about my corner corn as a dipole operated bass enclosure I of course recognize that it is not ta truly a dipole. Yes we have dipole like radiation from both sides but there are two major factos. That back radiation is delayed for 3 ft in relation to front radiation and it is substantially phase randomized. The last factor is the most important. That back radiation is substantially lower and output then front radiation. Back radiation would be strong if it's would be a classic corner horn with front radiation is not permitted. Then the driver will be compressed into own back chamber and then pushed to the corner. Since the front of the driver is wide open the back of the driver produce manuscular pressure to the corner. So, in the reality it is not a truly corner loaded horn. With all honesty I have some kind of curiosity how's this speaker will act not being corner loaded at all. It is in my mind that the guy from who I bought those speakers have them positioned not in the corners but in the middle of the room.
There is another directions that I would like to investigate. Currently my corner horn is driven by incredibly cheap an objectively horrible amplifier. It is an integrated chip with a cost of literally under 1 dollar. I asked my technical consultant to review the schematic of this amplifier and he told me that there is absolutely nothing to look into it and it is done as simple as cheap as possible. Still, it produces that remarkable bass structure and I wonder if it is a property of THIS application? I had yesterday a visit from very experienced local auto guy and I played to him this corner horns. He said exactly what I am feeling. He said that it feels like it is driven by very good single-ended triod. It is not about that tubiness of sound however. It is the way in which the very bottom end of each base note decades. It is very very natural and very acoustical. I feel that it is likely by the fact that the direct radiation woofer somehow is it reinforced by the "confused" radiation from back. I need to look into it more and I am very much would like to find what it is.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site