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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: It's might be another project...
Post Subject: This is very serious questionPosted by Romy the Cat on: 10/31/2024
MmI have today quite a few very interesting listening sessions with my new corner horns. I still need to come up with this name for it. I still did not measure anything and getting results purely by feelings. It does quite fine projected to the efforts invested into it but there is one factor which very much piss me off. It has very different lower base texture is that so insanely beautiful, I cannot express how beautiful it is. I sincerely failed that my main system produces probably the most interesting base that I heard anywhere. And it is objectively better then what my corner horns do. Still, for whatever reasons the Lord base from the corner horns in my view is more musical. I know exactly why and I know very specifically what kind of quality make me so love it but I do not know why I have it. It is not truly a dipole, it is front firing driver, this delayed back loaded corner horn. Is it because delayed phase randomization? Is it because it's used $3 worth amplifier that in reality is a spectacular amplifier? It is because extremely lucky hook in my children playroom? I do knot know the answer but I would love to have the same texture of the lower base in my immune system.

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