Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: Crane Radio CCE2
Post Subject: Paul, those notes are from different score...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 10/23/2024
Paul, I think you are losing a point of reference. Of course the concept enough is wonderful and absolutely no one would argue with it. If I name what I think is enough people going to be truly shocked because it will cost no more than 100 bucks. Enough is completely reasonable response for lifestyle and how it relates to audio and I will not argue there. However, coming to a website which dedicated to advanced audio  techniques we dropped from ourselves the pretend is that something is enough. Remember I'm always over the years keep reaching that advance audio reproduction techniques have nothing to do with music and has to do this very specific appled knowledge of music machine human interactions. They can always equalize everything by stating that it is enough, and there isabsolutely nothing wrong with this, but admitting enough in a way is arrested our curiosity for depth and quality of audio exploration.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site