Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV)
Post Subject: If Not For Music, Then Why Audio?Posted by Paul S on: 9/20/2024
"Re-creating" music might be "impossible", practically speaking, but isn't the whole idea of home hi-fi to use the system to listen to Music? I think that even during my most manic periods of messing with the system itself I've had the idea - however mistaken -  that I would get "more" from the Music by working some magic or other on the system. I hope no ones total happiness is tied up with hi-fi, but I think it takes some sort of expectations going in to de-randomize the process. I mean, the minute one doesn't care, the tether is cut and the whole process becomes arbitrary. After all, Meaning does not inhere in the system, rather it derives from ones relationship with the system. And what is the system without the Music? I suppose that's not a problem if system building is an end in iself. However, in that case, why visit and post in this particular forum? I haven't really meditated on it, but I think I have fairly high aesthetic expectations for Music from my playback, perhaps - in some ways - higher than when I attend a concert. So, one might say the investment is a sort of speculation. However, that system is worth nothing to me without the Music.

Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site