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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV)
Post Subject: Tone vs transparencyPosted by Amir on: 8/25/2024
 Romy the Cat wrote:
 Amir wrote:
What I think is in right setup (DPOLS and perfect electricity) we can have both good dynamics and good tone. I always said we can have two audio system, one system for better tone/musical and another for more real/transparent sound but I never like to trade-off dynamics.

The right setup has nothing to do with DPOLS or perfect electricity and it has absolutely nothing to do with tone. The right setup is a topology not DPOLS or electricity . I also very much do not know what it means "one system for better tone/musical and another for more real/transparent sound". Why we ever have a conflict between tone/musical  and real/transparent? I think you are very confused. I will try to record a clip about dynamics later on.

Romy, It does not mean more transparency is equal to less musicality, I just say due to some limits in audio parts/design we can choose our priority between two sound.For example good solidstate dacs or good solidstate pre-amplifiers are more transparent than tube version but not neccessary more musical.Another example is you may prefer softer tone/presentation of CEC TL1 to TL0 in opera music but TL0 is more transparent than TL1.
I think in this area some prefer to have better tone and some prefer to have more transparent sound.I think we can have two audio systems like your Tannoy/Yamaha and Macondo/Melquiades.

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