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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV)
Post Subject: I think audio is not about tastePosted by Amir on: 8/21/2024
 Paul S wrote:
Amir, I hope you will continue to flesh out your idea that hi-fi is not personal, especially as this relates to "accuracy vs. musicality". At this point it seems to fly in the face of my own experience, also widely accepted ideas about "experiencing reality". You did go on to say, "not 100% personal", so perhaps that 99.999+% qualifier gives you some daylight, or perhaps (as I hope) I can learn something here.

Paul S

Paul, I think most audiophiles believe because of the audio is a subjective experience so they can say audio is about taste and every person has his personal taste, for example Mr.X likes accuphase, Mr.Y likes Mark Levinson, Mr.Z likes Krell and … I think this is not all the story.
I think Audio is very very complex subject so most audiophiles never find the right/proper way for advancing their playback.Look at “the shining” film (1980) and look at the hedge maze in the yard, most audiophiles are in a space like hedge maze and they can not go out of that space. Advancing audio needs higher IQ (intelligence quotient) and lots of experience/effort . If you find the proper/right way and go out of that space then you will find the audio is not about taste and audio rules are equal for all of us. The Romy Audio Rules is here :

I can do a simple test and invite over 100 clients to my showroom and ask them about the test.Place speaker in a wrong position and get the best soundstage with compress sound (A) and then change the speaker position and find a place to get best dynamics (B) and ask the clients which is better? A or B?The answers will shock you.
Another example is about dynamic compression if you adjust the output voltage of DAC (in analog domain) and increase it to above maximum level of pre amplifier. For example the maximum input voltage of pre-amplifier is 4volts rms and you increase the output voltage of DAC to 4volts then 4.5volts then 5volts …Most audiophiles prefer around 6volts even 7volts and non of them complain about the sound (over 4volts), it means most audiophiles are not sensitive to dynamic compression.
There are many examples that shows audiophiles many times go for wrong sound. You can see whats happening in this market. 

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