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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV)
Post Subject: I like this subjectPosted by Amir on: 8/19/2024
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Ah, Amir, you are stepping exactly into the bear cave. Just above I said that this subject is a fictional invention of tricky audio marketing and you respond by “The Proposed Method: Comparison By Contrast” by  …Peter Qvortrup.  I do not know who another guy is but Peter is the pimpest of all and the fact the this another guy let himself to be spitted at the same table with Mr. Qvortrup says a lot. 

I did not read what they describe as ”Comparison By Contrast” but I know exactly what they will be seedling there and I assure you that it is very wrong. This is what stupid audio industry has been doing for years: conversion of humanity into a set of abstract, irrelevant but quantifiable quantities. As a result they are convincing listeners that the acquisition of those quantifiable qualities is at definition of “better sound”. The people like Qvortrup will dancing on the stage and rolling they are eyes in ecstasy, using right words with no meaning, but in the end all of this happened because they want to move more boxes this sold equipment. The Comparison By Contrast for listening experiences is as ridiculous as studying a definition of love by multiple choice quiz. Nothing further can be said. 

If you personally would like to explore the subject of real versus emotional, or accuracy versus musicality then I would recommend you start from far. It would be purely theoretical exercise but if you think about it you will find that there is a lot of common with the subjects that you're curious.  We know that there is a physical reality. We know that there is math which describes physical reality. As a certain depth of understanding the math people begin to understand that math is not necessarily only description of reality but from a certain perspective reality is the construct of math. At dd the 4th level of multiverse there is no conflict between math and reality, between math and physics. Physical objects become just the implementations of mathematical principles and mathematical principles have on physical appearances. So, in the end we have two absolutely identical questions: do we just discover or invent math studying physics and if we are looking for right definition of Accuracy when we are looking for Musicality.

Romy, Thank you for sharing your idea.
Please let forget about “comparison by contrast” method.About mathematics and the real world (physical reallity) I think there is no solid bassment for mathematics as you know kurt Godel has an article about it.It means Mathematics is just our brain language for describing the physical reallity not more and as you know karl popper has an article about “definition of science” . In his definition the science should change. Scientific mathematic models are not equal to physical reallity.
My terms “real” and “musical” both are about subjective listening experience and if I say system A is more “real/transparent/perfect…” then it means my listening experience tell me (for example) CEC TL0 3.0 reveals more information (from CD) for my brain.I do not say CEC reveals more information if we look at it’s objective measurements so all of my terms come from my brain not from objective measurements.I think you and all of audiophiles agree about all audio systems are not equal in this regard and for example an advanced properly setup 6 channel playback reveals more information (I mean more real) than a simple portable mp3 player.

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