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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: The most promising “best” commercial speaker
Post Subject: Amplifier Speaker MatchingPosted by Amir on: 8/19/2024
 Romy the Cat wrote:
 Amir wrote:
I think TAD is also very very sensitive to upstream. TAD pattern is also very wide and the side walls should be far away from speakers. in the end I think those Be drivers are dynamic and have neutral tone not synthetic tone. 

Possible. It is possible that somebody who knows those drivers work with them and will be able to get rid of this effect but I never experience TADs with that synthetic quality.

 Amir wrote:
in this market we also have Living Voice Vox Olympian horn, one of the few commercial speaker that uses Vitavox S2, My friend has Living Voice in his home and the problem is Living Voice Vox Olympian is not perfect for all types of music, actually Living Voice is better for more simple music.

It is a very interesting observation. I have very good impressions after listening Living Voice Vox Olympian back in 2013. First of all, I really like the person who owns the company, and he is truly a Master. What I mean is that he uses all components that I intimately know but he created this Olympian his own unique sound and it is not something that I did. This quality of the person to use ordinary elements and components and create with them own distinct sound is a sign of Mastership to me. The second part is very peculiar. There are two distinct moments that I very much remember from listening Olympian. Those two distinct moment are so memorable because when I heard them I clearly recognized then my playback system cannot do it. Both of those distinct moments were on recording of string quartets. I actually do not remember how Olympian sounded on large scale music.  Hi Do Not say it was good or bad I just do not remember, but I remember it was not remarkable and because of this I do not remember. Topologically, my playback should be more advantageous than Olympian because I use properly implemented (!!!) multi amplification with DSETs and line level crossovers, make an amplification to act upon most favorable impedance. If I am not mistaken, the Olympian used a single amplifier, at least for horns. It does not make Macondo better then Olympian, Macondo just uses more advanced, and significantly more complex topology for an application. It would be insanely interesting to hear Olympian with my type multi amplification, only implemented by the Olympian designer.

I think every driver should match to amplifier if we want to get best sound from that driver.This subject is very interesting to me but It seems very few designers like Delima think about it.
I did not have Living Voice horn in my home but I am sure I will like it if I listen to Vox Olympian in UK.Kevin rarely play massive complex music but duet or quartet are very musical in his setup.
Romy, Thank you for sharing your idea 

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