Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: Cmpare them
Post Subject: Why I brought those two pieces togetherPosted by Romy the Cat on: 8/18/2024

Ok, I will share why I feel that those pieces might be “compared”. It is personal and I was very surprised what I recognized that there is a similarity in them.
When I am listening to music, not playing with other that i also like to do, but actually listening to music (which might be on my main playback or even YouTube I don't care), I am get in controlled by whatever musical work does. This is very interesting, controlled mode when I become were instrument and very personal this those musical harmonies to the point that I begin to feel that I own them and development of those harmonies is a subject of my consciousness. It is irrelevant if I know the musical piece by heart or I hear it for the first time, in my mind I feel that I am recomposing the musical piece.  They are great musicians, great composers and great conductors. To me personally their greatness is described by how large delta between what they do and what I expected within my imagination what I would do if I were in their place. Bach is very particular bitch because everything that I imagine and everything that I feel would be the best imaginable way to go with a melody, or harmony or tempo or anything else, Bach Does it not just better but he does it in a level which clearly indicates that I'm not even stay close 300,000,000 light miles away. I have my own ego in my sense of identity but in term of development of musical theme Bach treat me as Michael Tyson would treat me at the ring: I am just nothing. For whatever reason I hugely addicted to this masochistic squashing of myself by genius Bach, Bruckner and many others…
Now we come to t Oscar Peterson. When I heard it for the first time a month ago I was absolutely destroyed but my expectation “of what I would do”. It was literally the same Michael Tyson effect. Oscar Peterson absolutely blew me away and it was in a teasing, playful and effortless manner. It is not the music that I am listening, but I have absolutely the same feeling how distantly imperfect I am compared to the Oscar Peterson genius. 
That was why I brought those two pieces together

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site