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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV)
Post Subject: Real vs EmotionalPosted by Amir on: 8/18/2024
I have my terms since 2005 : "Real/Transparent" vs "Emotional/Musical" sound.  
"Real/transparent audio system" means you get more information from the record. for example CEC TL0 3.0 transport is more real/transparent than other transports. the method of "Comparison by Contrast" is the way shows how much your audio system is Real/Transparent.

"Emotional/Musical audio system" means how the sound affects on listener for better music listening experience so this parameter is not about the sound and is more about listener reaction to the sound. for example I like simple $2k Audio Note NOS DAC with Audio Note paper drivers when I listen to a simple Vocal of Shajarian. Emotional/Musical to my ears is not about coloration of some systems like sweet or ...again it is about my reaction to music.

I think it is not easy to have both.

another example is silver vs copper cables: both cables are equal in real/transparency but copper is more musical.another example is Audio Note UK level 3 and Level 5 both are musical but Level 5 is more real/transparent.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site