Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV)
Post Subject: HiFi it is thenPosted by Gargoyle on: 8/18/2024
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Accuracy vs. Musicality is a purely artifactually constructed problem by the people who SELL audio. The concept of Accuracy in audio is very artificial, and it is just a byproduct of sales pimps as the  terms and meaning of Audio Accuracy is very meaningful, very much as the term of Musical.  You have a sting quartet playing in your room, do you think about Musicality or Accuracy? Of course not. Why then you should fill yourself with those artificial fears of you listening a playback? Interesting that there are concepts of Accuracy AND Musicality with playback but they are NOT conflicting at all and they are not what typically audio people understand under Accuracy and Musicality. The only fact the somebody feel that there is a conflict between Accuracy and Musicality is an indication that no further conversion is necessary.

I suppose that is where the term fidelity fits in nicely. Faithfulness to the recording. I need at least one word to describe what it is I've been chasing. lol

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