Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: The most promising “best” commercial speaker
Post Subject: You draw your own conclusions....Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/16/2024
I never like anything TAD does. They used to have many years ago a very interesting 14-in driver, bass driver but still in this category is there very many good alternatives. Whatever they do has a huge infliction of compression. Back in 2000s I heard is your new installations, included one crazy expensive and I was shocked how but is a handle compression. Top compression drivers are on League. I'm pretty much sure that I will be able to detect presence of those drivers blindly. They have very synthetic tone and I have absolutely no idea but it's coming from. They cannot play unsave, they have numbers suitable for dynamic compression drivers but they sound almost like reborns. And the most important that they have own sense of completely out of this world Sonic signature which is absolutely unique. Pretend you play a string instrument which is so wet and your bowl is saturated with liquid. It might produce correct pitch but anything around the speech is completely alien. I absolutely hate the sound. My memory going back over 20 years ago and I might not remember the tales. My neighbor  Bill had this system with I believe 4001 and couple years ago he got rid of them. You might ask him what was his observations. You cannot blame Cressarro for use TAD drivers, what else they can use? There are no good contemporary compression drivers unless you go to some extreme exotics. They or claims that they modify something. It's my be true and they might find way to make TAD to sound good. My experience with those claims is following. Each single time I was approaching any manufacturer who claims as a success with my device a compression driver I almost asked them the same question: what is your view the problem in the sound this unmodified driver? As many time I asked this question no one was able to say anything sensible or deserving attention. You draw your own conclusions....

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site