Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: Cmpare them
Post Subject: I will give you one hour...Posted by Gargoyle on: 8/6/2024 transcribe that Oscar Peterson song.  You can even use the video, pause and replay as much as you like.

As somewhat of a musician myself, I understand that a lot of patterns that he plays have been done before. 
I am aware that sometimes musicians like to say that things just flow, when it is not true.

I disagree about the pinky slip, you do not understand improvisation. You view it as frozen food.  You can see his natural pauses when his mind is hunting, the notes are just placards. That is what makes it interesting, the subconscious flow of notes. 
It's 3rd person experience, you have to "fall backwards" mentally.
You don't remember too many specifics, because you did not command them in the first place. You are spectating like everyone else.

The "new" sounds that come from improvisation are not easily repeatable by the artist, he would struggle himself to recall and manifest actual new sounds.
There is no way your jazz student could transcribe a legitimate live improvised song. It appears that you miss the point. It's OK.

Jordan Peterson: "Bach wrote so much music it would take a talented copyist...someone who just copies music... 40 years of eight-hour days just to transcribe it"

It took me 10 minutes to edit this post so you only have 50 minutes remaining. I'll check back in one hour for your script.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site