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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Remedies the Beauty
Post Subject: The SET Problem, only with speakers...Posted by Paul S on: 6/23/2024
Sounds like the problem I always had with SET, I really loved the "bass" I got, but there just wasn't enough of it to "scale up" when I wanted to. I think I have told at GSC before that the founder of Stereophile, Gordon Holt wound up with Tannoys, pretty sure i remember they were DMTs. Not large boxes, but decidedly better "punch" and LF than older iterations (also less $$$...). FWIW, JGH did pro recording until he died, was very picky about tone, and all his systems had to play back his own recordings correctly. Interestingly, he also wound up with his own version of "surround sound".

Best regards,
Paul S

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