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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: My new “New” listening room, 2024
Post Subject: Try it.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/22/2024
 anthony wrote:
....but....sometimes I do wish for a less "white" sound up top.  More colour, or perhaps contrast, not that anybody could ever accuse my sound as lacking any of those things. 
Ironically it is exactly what you get with Red’s twitters. It introduces a whole new concept of twittering, I am not kidding. It does all necessary injections into the MF channel, running it virtually in parallel but a few dBs down, but it overperforms MF at HF and is almost like jumping out when it is needed. It is not that one decal and another not. It is not about the dB pressure and certain frequencies. It is very hard to explain. Somehow, it injects amazing HF colors when it is called upon, but the amazing thing is that it is not always the same. The Red 10 driver at full range is virtually not listenable, and it is so horribly syrupy that it impressed during the first 3 minutes and becomes hugely annoying every minute after. The injection channel was an idea of very precise and very calibrated injection of this syrupy into Macondo sound.  By using the Red’s tweeters only, I got the same injection across the board and slightly more injection at HF. I spent a LOT of time analyzing and thinking if my current system has any permanent color pattern. In my view it does. If I have a VERY loud and extreme HF event, then I can detect some syrupy signature. In all the music I know, I faced only two fragments that I was able to detect when the orchestra whacked a triangle VERY loudly. I clearly hear there the Red signature, but this signature is not something that is the opposite of “clean” but rather something that gives me an erection. If you hear that warm and gentle HF tone, you will never go back to the “clean” sound. With the range of woodwinds, voice and strings this effect does not manifest itself.
 anthony wrote:
I am sure that correcting my midbass will change how I interpret the HF channel, but I am not certain exactly whether it will be perceived as more or less "white".  In the past, with other speakers, when resolution of the bass has been improved I have generally appreciated the high frequencies more but I am not so sure this time.  Melquiades/Macondo is different, and my instinct here is that as I improve the quality and quantity of bass in my room that I may appreciate my HF less, and it has almost been an excuse to follow interests other than audio for a while.  The energy and will to experiment and create in this endeavour has returned and it is time to once and for all finalise my bass in this room.

Just an idea. If I remember correctly, you have your LF section separated from Macondo. If you are able to get your midbass from a small midbass channel, then you will be able to move your LF section to any other place where it will do better room loading. Do not forget that if you cross the LF at lower frequencies it will be less directional and might sit anywhere in the room. I know, they are too sexy not to be in front of you, but it is your fault that you make them so attractive.

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