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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: My new “New” listening room, 2024
Post Subject: Good luck, let me know how it works.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/20/2024
What's the response you have from your upper base horn? That would say a lot about how active that spot is for mid base. Is this location in your room is not good that it is very unfortunately but nothing can be done. Of course in your case, in case of multichannels and multi amplification you can rectified by volume. It is not the same if the room is lucky but it is what it is. If you have 15 in drivers then you certainly can make experiment. It's not necessary need to be Vitavox. Get any drivers from 50- 60s which made with paper cone and have paper suspension. Do not go for low resonant frequency, 40 or 50 hertz is perfectly fine. Get on eBay 20x20x20 sealed box with 15" hole. It should cost you around 70 bucks. Do not necessarily go for larger enclosure as you on the driver to be acoustically suspended. You can go 1.5 times larger buckets would be maximum. Now I am not kidding, do not invest in any fence enclosure. There are on the bay zillions of the company who sell subwoofers boxes for cars. One of the company produce enclosure that they call q-bomb or q sound or something like this. They are right sizes boxes and they not carpeted by covered with some kind of semi glossy, texttured black finish. I do not think they are rude but some kind of would like plastic, or whatever it is. The key is that they sound surprisingly well. No dumping, no parallone, no wool, just naked driver. Connected to bass channel of Milq, I do not know what your output transformer but if something along mine then you should be all set. If you have not enough volume from midbass then add another section in parallel. You will need drive your low frequency section later on from another power amplifier but at this point I strongly suggest you do not listen the base section but make your mid-base direct radiator to work properly. You needs to get Midwest to be little bit in your face but in your case you will be able to go away with this because at the upper knee it runs perfect time consistent first order filter and it will melt beautifully whole system, whole drivers together in the one homogeneous expression. You might find them that you need to slightly roll off your tweeters. It is hard to explain but if you had proper volume of this in your face effect then you will stop here the excessiveness of midbass and you will be literally swimming in the sound. You can get 8r 20 w load and load your bus channel to it. Then you can with very high precision dial in the exact volume of your mid base. If you want I can pitch to you a few trucks that you might want to listen for the mid-based evaluation. Pay attention, I constantly talk about mid-based but it's reality you will be improving mid-based upper base and the most important lower mid-range. The long tail of your mid-based driver at the upper knee is the key in my view. You need to add as much as possible meet to the Bone until it become little bit heavy and then you need to dial half to one DB down. Of course it's all will depend from the quality of your driver and from specifics of your room.
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