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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: My new “New” listening room, 2024
Post Subject: There is much more to it.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/18/2024

Nothing like Musical results to prove audio concepts. It sounds about right but not exactly. I don't think results are musical. Music itself is just a media to convey via our sensory more higher aesthetical ethical and to a certain degree conscious self-reflective experiences. Musicians do they are the tool available in is there exposures and they have truly immense amount of possibilities and capacities. In audio video this exceptional and narrow set of interfaces that we use as expressive tools where we very moderately emphasize or subdue certain elements of performance. Elsa, and it is frequently overlooked things in audio, we do not listen music of performances in our listening rooms. We're here the efforts of our playbacks to reproduce it and that is very very different things. I never agree with people who feel that they try at home reproduce the same sounds they heard during live performances. I found this objective is completely silly. Over the years I'm preaching to my side that during live performances we do not hear sound. We acknowledge our perception of sound and let our mind and spirit to go alone with this. There is a school of thinking which suggests that if we imitate identical sound during playback then our mind and spirit will experience the same journey. I never subscribed this belief. I recognize live sound and playback sound are completely different forces. Yes they have the same payload and have the same music but the impact methods are slightly different. 

Make a simple experiment. Play your single loudspeaker, whatever it is. And take a piece of cardboard like 20 by 20 in, place it behind one of your ear and extend of your arm and trying to find a location when you have in-phase reflection caught by your ear. Soon on a later you will have almost like a hit in your head when suddenly phases align and you suddenly begin to experience multi-dimensional effect. You clearly will acknowledge but you're listening consciousness that it is a huge impact upon you but it will be no musical event. It will be an event purely upon your listening consciousness. In audio, we have many many many many many many tools available in our disposal to do two different things. First is to remove from playback sound different alien forces which come from horrible operations at our electron mechanical conversion of sound waves usually brings to the listening process. And the second one is to modulate very explicit psycho acoustical impacts to a listener but applying our deliberate and well positioned listening algorithms. If all of its subordinated with you're listening creative objectives then it is where truly high end audio is truly begin. The keyword in all of us is creative. Most of the people who believe who practice high and are there they are not active creators of musical experiences. They are trying to entertain themselves with different sounds trying to recuperate on return for investment. There is nothing wrong with that. It is better than shoot cocaine and drink vodka. However, those people because they do not want to create new listening consciousness they do not have any creative result. There are some people out there who do actively investigate own mind and all listening perception in respect two actions of on hands by moving those damn speakers and changing cable elevators. Those people practice completely different audio and listening there probablys is always superbly interesting, regardless how good or bad they are playback sounds. Listening those playbacks is like a read somebody diaries. Over my entire audio life I have only two people who ever came to my listening room, listened it, and that playback did not sound well is that specific vintage, then look at me and told me I know what you are trying to do. One of them is dead now. 

So, what I am saying that it is highly possible that the effect that I discovered might open a Pandora box to a new expressive tool. I don't have a name for this but let's forsake of conversation call it overly precise mid base modulation.. I do not know what in my mid-base might so huge difference. It is volume, is it tone, is it contrast, is it integration aspects. The impact is there and I would be very curious to learn why it's happening.

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