Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: What Passes for "Space" in Home Audio?
Post Subject: "Reality" vs. Hi-fiPosted by Paul S on: 4/17/2024
Too true, Steve. As it happens, the distance between sidewalls just in front of my speakers is over 50 feet, and a wide hallway opens to large rooms along and at the end of its course. I have said all along in my The Loudspeakers thread that an "ongoing issue" for home hi-fi is the acoustic power needed to charge a room adequately, and, just as you say, LF and ULF are particular cases in point, especially with regard to "natural sound", such as Bruckner symphonies, etc., where the "real" acoustic matrix is obviously well beyond the capabilities of playback. Hence the title/header of the thread, "What Passes for Space... (etc)". Like Romy said, we wear metaphorical PJs when we listen to hi-fi, accepting synth delay injection, etc. Of course, the fact that "It's Impossible!" is part of the fun!

Best regards,
Paul S

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