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In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Romy the Cat's Audio recommendation: the biggest bang for a back
Post Subject: AuroPosted by Bill on: 9/23/2023
Auro can be set up for any number of extra speakers, from 2 to 14. One only has to set up for what he has available for ambiance speakers, from just two side or rear floor, to center, left and right side and rear, subs, to left right and center height front, and sides, and a top speaker. Usually ,the more the better recreation of the Hall ambiance.
Well recorded performances in concert halls with properly set up microphones have the hall ambiance recorded with the direct sounds. Less correct are many multi microphone recordings, and of course multitrack recordings with in your face to the artist microphones have little or no ambiance. But of course we aren't discussing those trash recording when we are trying to recreate the live in a hall concert experience. Romy's reverberation effect would certainly work with the multitrack, as that is what many recording engineers use to try to make those multitrack recording better.
What Auro tries to do is recreate what one would have heard sitting in the hall listening to the artists as they were recorded. It is not perfect for two track recordings, as the microphones are usually placed close to the musicians while the majority of the listeners in a concert hall are further out in the hall. 
In addition, it does allow 5.1 channel ambiance recordings to be spread out among the up to 14 channels giving a more natural uniform sound space. Remember, depending on where you sit in a concert hall, you are hearing nowhere from 90% direct, 10 percent ambiance sitting in or near the artists, to 10% direct 90% ambiance from the back of the hall.
With stereo playback, even with the best recorordings, all of that hall ambiance information is mixed in with the direct sound, giving the listening through a window presentation. By removing it from the main channels and recreating the hall space in your room, you have the you are there effect. If one removes as much as possible your room's reverberation through various absorbers and diffusers, one can obtain a very close to natural atmosphere. 

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site